4. Write a vector equation of the line through the point (5, -2, 3) and parallel to the vector v=[4, -3, 1]

You know the direction of the line has to be [4,-3,1] , so

r = (5,-23) + t(4,-3,1)

(how easy was that?)

thank you reiny, that's the answer i first got but i wasn't sure if it was right, thanks

To find the vector equation of a line parallel to a given vector and passing through a given point, we can use the parametric equation of a line. The parametric equation is given by:

P = P0 + t * v

where P is a point on the line, P0 is a known point on the line, v is the direction vector, and t is a parameter that determines different points on the line.

In this case, the known point on the line is (5, -2, 3), which we'll call P0, and the direction vector is v = [4, -3, 1].

So, the vector equation of the line can be written as:

P = (5, -2, 3) + t * [4, -3, 1]

or, in component form:

x = 5 + 4t
y = -2 - 3t
z = 3 + t

This equation represents a line passing through the point (5, -2, 3) and parallel to the vector v = [4, -3, 1].