1. Write the equation of a line in slope-intercept form that has a slope of -1/4 and passes through the point (8, -1).Do not use any spaces. Slope should be a reduced improper fraction.

2.Write the equation of a line in slope-intercept form that passes through the points ( -2, 5) and (-2, 11). Do not use any spaces. Slope should be a reduced improper fraction.

1. You know the slope is -1/4, so the equation must be

y = (-1/4)x + b
but the point (8,-1) lies on it, so
-1 = (-1/4)(8) + b
-1 = -2 + b
1 = b

y =(-1/4)x + 1

2. the slope is (11-5)/(-2+2) = 7/0
ahhh, the slope is undefined, so it must be a vertical line, and without any more work we can see the equation is
x = -2