Which of these elements has the most chemically reactive atoms?

A. gold

B. argon

C. carbon

D. chlorine


D. chlorine

How many energy levels does sulfur have?

To determine which element has the most chemically reactive atoms, we need to look at the periodic table and consider the electronic configuration of the atoms.

A. Gold (Au) is an element with 79 protons. It belongs to the noble gas series and has a full electron shell, making it relatively unreactive. Therefore, we can eliminate option A.

B. Argon (Ar) is also a noble gas with 18 protons. Like gold, argon has a full electron shell, making it relatively unreactive. We can eliminate option B as well.

C. Carbon (C) has 6 protons. The electronic configuration of carbon is 1s² 2s² 2p². Carbon has four valence electrons, which allows it to form multiple bonds with other elements. Carbon is known for its ability to form diverse compounds, making it more chemically reactive than gold and argon. Carbon is a plausible answer, but let's evaluate option D before concluding.

D. Chlorine (Cl) has 17 protons. The electronic configuration of chlorine is 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s² 3p⁵. Chlorine has seven valence electrons and is highly reactive due to its tendency to gain one electron and achieve a full electron shell. Chlorine readily forms ionic and covalent compounds, making it a highly reactive element.

Therefore, the element with the most chemically reactive atoms among the given options is D. chlorine.

Remember, to determine the reactivity of an element, understanding the electronic configuration and the number of valence electrons is crucial.