a boy walks to his school at a distance of 6km with constant speed of 2.5 k mph and walks back with a constant sped of 4 k mph. His average speed of round trip expressed in k mph is?

Av speed = Total Distance/Total Time

= 6+6/(6/2.5 + 6/4)
On solving the equation we get Average Speed = 3.07kmph or 40/13 kmph

To find the average speed for the round trip, we need to calculate the total time taken for the trip.

Time taken to walk to school:
Distance = 6 km
Speed = 2.5 km/h

Time = Distance ÷ Speed
Time = 6 km ÷ 2.5 km/h
Time = 2.4 hours

Time taken to walk back from school:
Distance = 6 km
Speed = 4 km/h

Time = Distance ÷ Speed
Time = 6 km ÷ 4 km/h
Time = 1.5 hours

Total time taken for the round trip:
Total time = Time taken to walk to school + Time taken to walk back from school
Total time = 2.4 hours + 1.5 hours
Total time = 3.9 hours

Average speed = Total distance ÷ Total time
Total distance = 6 km + 6 km
Total distance = 12 km

Average speed = 12 km ÷ 3.9 hours
Average speed ≈ 3.08 km/h

Therefore, the average speed of the round trip is approximately 3.08 km/h.

To find the average speed for the round trip, we need to consider the total distance traveled and the total time taken.

In this case, the boy walks to his school at a distance of 6 km with a constant speed of 2.5 km/h. To find the time taken for this leg of the trip, we divide the distance (6 km) by the speed (2.5 km/h):

Time taken = Distance / Speed = 6 km / 2.5 km/h

Calculating this, we find that the boy takes 2.4 hours to walk to his school.

Similarly, while walking back from school, the boy walks with a constant speed of 4 km/h. Again, we can find the time taken for this leg of the trip by dividing the distance (6 km) by the speed (4 km/h):

Time taken = Distance / Speed = 6 km / 4 km/h

Calculating this, we find that the boy takes 1.5 hours to walk back.

Now, to calculate the average speed for the entire round trip, we can use the formula:

Average Speed = Total Distance / Total Time Taken

In this case, the total distance traveled is 12 km (6 km to school + 6 km back) and the total time taken is 2.4 hours (to school) + 1.5 hours (back).

Plugging in these values, we can find the average speed:

Average Speed = 12 km / (2.4 hours + 1.5 hours)

Calculating this, we find that the average speed for the round trip is approximately 3.43 km/h.

Time out = 6/2.5 = 2.4 hours

Time back = 6/4 = 1.5 hours
Average speed for the round trip =
(6 + 6/(2.4 + 1.5) = 3.077 kmph