The outlawing of slavery and extending voting rights to women seem to indicate that ethics can have beneficial results. Give an example from the past that indicates a similar result or a current social policy that might be regarded as wrong, which therefore needs to be changed. Give your reasons and indicate which ethical theory you believe provides the best support for your view.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

- marriage

Insurance-covered birth control

and marriage

One example from the past that illustrates the beneficial results of ethical change is the Civil Rights Movement in the United States during the mid-20th century. African Americans faced widespread racial discrimination and segregation in various aspects of life, such as education, employment, and voting rights. The movement brought attention to these injustices and fought for equal rights and opportunities for African Americans. Through protests, demonstrations, and advocacy, significant legislative changes were implemented, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. These acts outlawed racial discrimination and ensured equal access to public places and the right to vote, which significantly improved the lives of African Americans and enhanced social equality.

As for a current social policy that might be considered wrong and requires alteration, one could argue for the reform of immigration policies in several countries. Many current immigration policies, particularly those that prioritize strict border controls and make it difficult for individuals to seek refuge, oftentimes result in separating families, detainment of asylum seekers, and the denial of basic rights to individuals in desperate need of assistance and protection. These policies can be seen as morally wrong as they fail to uphold the principles of kindness, compassion, and empathy towards those seeking a better life.

To support the view that these immigration policies need to be changed, consequentialism, specifically utilitarianism, provides effective ethical support. Utilitarianism asserts that actions should be evaluated based on their overall consequences and the greatest happiness or well-being generated for the greatest number of people. In the case of immigration policies, utilitarianism emphasizes the importance of considering the consequences for immigrants and society as a whole. By focusing on solutions that prioritize the welfare and fair treatment of those seeking refuge, utilitarianism provides a strong ethical foundation for advocating policy changes.

It is worth noting that various ethical theories may provide support for different perspectives on this topic, and different individuals may have nuanced views based on their ethical framework and personal beliefs. However, utilitarianism, with its emphasis on overall welfare and consequential evaluation, is well-suited to argue for changes in immigration policies to promote fairness and support for those in need.