what decided the outcome of the 2000 election??



You're welcome.

the us supreme court

The outcome of the 2000 United States presidential election was determined by several key factors:

1. Electoral College Votes: The candidate who receives a majority of the electoral college votes (270 out of 538) wins the election. In 2000, the candidate who received the majority of these votes would become the President.

2. Popular Vote: While the popular vote does not directly determine the outcome, it is an important indicator of public support. The candidate who wins the majority of the popular vote in a state usually receives all of that state's electoral college votes.

3. Florida Recount: The election ultimately hinged on the state of Florida. Initially, the media declared Republican candidate George W. Bush the winner in Florida. However, due to the narrow margin of victory, a recount was initiated, which triggered a series of legal battles and controversies.

4. Supreme Court Decision: The Florida recount process faced multiple legal challenges, leading the case to reach the United States Supreme Court. In a highly controversial decision, the Court ruled that the ongoing recount violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, effectively halting the recount and allowing George W. Bush's previously certified lead to stand.

5. Legal and Political Factors: The outcome of the election also depended on various legal and political factors, such as the interpretation of ballot designs, the decision to initiate recounts, the partisan leanings of different election officials, and the public perception of the candidates' positions on key issues.

In summary, the outcome of the 2000 election was decided by a combination of electoral college votes, popular vote counts, the Florida recount process, the Supreme Court decision, and other legal and political factors.