what select an organization (LL Bean) assess its organizational development, and identify managerial implications at each stage. Cite examples of shifts in products, services, leadership, processes and so forth.

To assess organizational development, including shifts in products, services, leadership, and processes, you can follow these steps:

1. Gather information about the organization: Start by collecting relevant information about LL Bean, such as its history, mission, vision, values, organizational structure, and current products and services. This will provide a general understanding of the organization.

2. Analyze historical changes: Look for key milestones in LL Bean's history, such as when it was founded, significant product launches, shifts in leadership, or changes in processes. Identify specific instances where the organization underwent significant changes or transformations.

Example: LL Bean has a long history of innovation and adaptation. One major shift occurred when they introduced their iconic Bean Boots, which became a staple product for the company. This shift in product offering helped LL Bean establish its position as a leading provider of outdoor gear.

3. Identify stages of organizational development: Based on the historical analysis, you can identify distinct stages or periods in LL Bean's organizational development. These stages are characterized by particular managerial implications and shifts in various aspects of the organization.

Example: LL Bean can be seen in different stages of organizational development, such as the early years focused on mail-order catalog sales, the expansion into retail stores, and the subsequent development of an online presence. Each stage brought specific managerial challenges and implications for product diversification, supply chain management, and customer engagement.

4. Examine managerial implications: For each stage of LL Bean's development, consider the managerial implications associated with changes in products, services, leadership, processes, and other relevant areas. Discuss how these changes impacted the organization and the decisions made by managers during each stage.

Example: When LL Bean expanded into e-commerce, it had to invest in technology, logistics, and IT infrastructure to support online sales. This required leadership to make strategic decisions regarding the allocation of resources, hiring new talent, and adapting processes to suit the digital realm. Successful adaptation to e-commerce allowed LL Bean to reach a wider customer base and improve customer experience.

By following these steps, you can assess the organizational development of LL Bean and identify specific managerial implications at each stage, particularly in relation to shifts in products, services, leadership, and processes. Remember to use available resources, such as company reports, case studies, and news articles, to gather information and provide specific examples.