what feature was shared by the empires of justinian,Ican 111,and suleiman?

A.absolute power of the ruler
B.decentralized governments
C.feudal economies
d.religious intolerance
My answer is ....C?

Oh wait i think its A ?

I'm not sure about Ican, but I believe your answer is right.

Ok Thank you :)

You're welcome.

The feature shared by the empires of Justinian, Ican III, and Suleiman is A: absolute power of the ruler.

To arrive at this answer, we can analyze each option and assess its suitability:

A. Absolute power of the ruler: In all three of these empires, the ruling authority exerted significant control and power, with limited checks and balances on their authority. Therefore, this option is appropriate.

B. Decentralized governments: This option suggests that power is distributed among various regional or local authorities. However, all three empires mentioned had highly centralized governments, with ultimate power resting in the hands of the ruler. Hence, this option is not accurate.

C. Feudal economies: Feudal economies involve a hierarchical system of land ownership and obligations. Although some aspects of feudalism may have been present in certain empires during specific periods, it does not serve as a defining feature shared by all three empires mentioned. Therefore, this option is not correct.

D. Religious intolerance: While religious intolerance existed to varying degrees in different empires throughout history, it is not a feature shared specifically by the empires of Justinian, Ican III, and Suleiman. This option is not relevant.

Hence, the correct answer is A: absolute power of the ruler, as it is a characteristic shared by all three empires.