1. a first train travelling at x km an hour takes t hour less to travel y km than a slower one takes to travel z km . find the different between their speed

2. a man has one kind of coffee at 'a' paise
per kg and another at 'b' paise per kg how much of each must take to form a mixture of (a0b)kg which b can sell at c paise /kg without loss.

I suggest you replace the variables with actual numbers and solve that problem.

Then repeat the same steps using the variables in the given question.

A first train travelling at 60 km an hour takes 2 hour less to travel 300 km than a slower one takes to travel 150 km . find the different between their speed

time for 1st train = 300/60
time for 2nd train = 300/60 + 2
speed of 2nd train = 150/(300/60 + 2)

difference in speeds = 60 - 150/(300/60 + 2)
( I purposely left the arithmetic open, so that you can see where the variables go)

in the second question, I have no idea what (a0b)kg means

To find the difference between the speeds of the two trains, let's break down the information given.

1. Let's assume the speed of the faster train is "v" km/h and the speed of the slower train is "u" km/h.
2. The distance traveled by the faster train, y km, can be expressed as v * t, where t is the time taken in hours.
3. The distance traveled by the slower train, z km, can be expressed as u * (t + Δt), where Δt is the time taken in addition to t by the slower train.
4. We are given that the faster train takes t hours less than the slower train to travel y km. This can be expressed as t = Δt.

Using this information, we can set up two equations:

Equation 1: y = v * t
Equation 2: z = u * (t + Δt)

Since we want to find the difference between their speeds, we need to eliminate the variable t. We can do this by substituting t with Δt in Equation 1:

Equation 1 (substituted): y = v * (Δt)

Now, we can substitute this expression for t in Equation 2:

z = u * (Δt + Δt)
z = u * 2Δt

Now that we have two equations expressing y and z in terms of Δt, we can find Δt:

From Equation 1: y = v * (Δt)
From Equation 2: z = u * 2Δt

To find the value of Δt, we need the values of y, z, v, and u.

Once Δt is known, we can find the speed difference by subtracting the slower train's speed (u) from the faster train's speed (v):

Speed difference = v - u

To solve the problem and find the speed difference, numerical values for y, z, v, and u are needed.