given v=5i+3j and w=-4i+8j, find projwv

There are two kinds of projection of w on to v or of v on to w.

You did not say projection of which on the other or if you want scalar or vector projection.
see below:

One important use of dot products is in projections. The scalar projection of b onto a is the length of the segment AB shown in the figure below. The vector projection of b onto a is the vector with this length that begins at the point A points in the same direction (or opposite direction if the scalar projection is negative) as a.

Thus, mathematically, the scalar projection of b onto a is |b|cos(theta) (where theta is the angle between a and b) which from (*) is given by

This quantity is also called the component of b in the a direction (hence the notation comp). And, the vector projection is merely the unit vector a/|a| times the scalar projection of b onto a:

Thus, the scalar projection of b onto a is the magnitude of the vector projection of b onto a.


it was proj with w as a subscript of proj and then v

I am sorry. I am not familiar with that notation. Follow the recipe in the link I gave you.

To find the projection of vector v onto vector w, you can use the formula:

projwv = (v · ŵ) * ŵ

where v · ŵ represents the dot product of vectors v and ŵ, and ŵ is the unit vector in the direction of w.

Let's break down the calculation step by step:

Step 1: Find the unit vector ŵ
To find the unit vector ŵ, we need to normalize vector w by dividing it by its magnitude (length).

The magnitude of w is given by:
|w| = √((-4)^2 + 8^2) = √(16 + 64) = √80 = 4√5

Dividing w by its magnitude, we get:
ŵ = (-4i + 8j) / (4√5) = (-i + 2j) / √5

Step 2: Calculate the dot product (v · ŵ)
The dot product of v (5i + 3j) and ŵ (-i + 2j) can be calculated by taking the product of their corresponding components and summing them up.

(v · ŵ) = (5*(-1) + 3*2) = (-5 + 6) = 1

Step 3: Multiply (v · ŵ) by ŵ
Now, we multiply the dot product (v · ŵ) by ŵ to find the projection of vector v onto vector w.

projwv = (v · ŵ) * ŵ = 1 * (-i + 2j) / √5 = -i/√5 + 2j/√5

Therefore, the projection of vector v onto vector w is -i/√5 + 2j/√5.