How do you diagram the sentence ..John Wycliff taught at Oxford,and translated the Bible, into English?

First of all, delete the commas. They're not needed.

Use the instructions in here:

John Wycliff = subject
taught = verb
at Oxford = prepositional phrase
and = conjunction
translated = verb
into English = prepositional phrase

To diagram the sentence, "John Wycliff taught at Oxford and translated the Bible into English," we can break it down into its different components:

1. Subject: The subject of the sentence is "John Wycliff." This is the person who performed the action.

2. Verb: The main verb in the sentence is "taught." It describes the action that John Wycliff performed.

3. Prepositional Phrase: "at Oxford" is a prepositional phrase that provides additional information about where John Wycliff taught. Prepositional phrases often start with a preposition (in this case, "at") and are followed by an object (in this case, "Oxford").

4. Coordinating Conjunction: "and" is a coordinating conjunction that connects two main actions performed by John Wycliff.

5. Verb: The second main action in the sentence is "translated." It describes another action performed by John Wycliff.

6. Direct Object: The direct object of the verb "translated" is "the Bible." This is what John Wycliff translated.

7. Prepositional Phrase: "into English" is another prepositional phrase that provides additional information about how John Wycliff translated the Bible. The preposition "into" indicates the target language, and "English" is the object of the preposition.

To diagram this sentence, you would typically draw a horizontal line and place "John Wycliff" as the subject on the left, connect it with a diagonal line to the right for the verb "taught," and then add the details of the sentence below the horizontal line. "At Oxford" can be diagrammed as a diagonal line branching off from "taught," and "and" connects it to the next action. From there, you would draw another diagonal line for the verb "translated," and below it, you would add "the Bible" as the direct object. Finally, the prepositional phrase "into English" would be diagrammed as a diagonal line branching off from "translated," with "English" as the object.

It's important to note that sentence diagramming is not universally taught and can vary depending on the diagramming method used. The above explanation provides a general approach to diagramming the given sentence, but there may be alternative diagramming techniques as well.