I need figurative language on the genre fantasy

Literary terms:


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Again, look up terms alphabetically.

All can be used in fantasy.

Figurative language is a literary device used to add depth and imagery to writing by going beyond literal meanings. In the genre of fantasy, authors often employ figurative language to create a vivid and imaginative world. Here are a few examples:

1. Metaphor: A comparison without using "like" or "as."
Example: "Her hair was a fiery cascade of golden flames."

To find metaphors in fantasy literature, you can read fantasy books, paying attention to descriptions of characters, settings, and magical elements. Look for instances where the author uses words or phrases symbolically to describe something else.

2. Simile: A comparison using "like" or "as."
Example: "The moon hung in the sky like a shimmering silver orb."

To find similes in fantasy literature, you can use similar methods as with metaphors. Pay attention to descriptions that include words like "like" or "as" when comparing one element of the fantasy world to another.

3. Personification: Giving human qualities to non-human entities.
Example: "The wind whispered secrets through the ancient trees."

To find personification in fantasy literature, look for instances where the author describes non-human elements, such as nature or objects, as if they have human characteristics or emotions.

4. Hyperbole: Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
Example: "The dragon was as big as a mountain."

To find hyperbole in fantasy literature, keep an eye out for exaggerated descriptions or statements that go beyond what is realistically possible, emphasizing the fantastical nature of the genre.

Remember, the best way to find examples of figurative language in fantasy literature is to immerse yourself in the genre and read widely. Analyze the descriptive passages and pay attention to the creative ways authors paint their fantasy worlds using figurative language.