Find a number between 1/4 and 13/20?

1/4 = 5/20

What numbers can you find between 5/20 and 13/20?

6/20 7/20 8/20 9/20 10/20 1/2 11/20 12/20

To find a number between 1/4 and 13/20, you can use the average method. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Convert the fractions to a common denominator. Both 1/4 and 13/20 can be converted to a common denominator of 20, so we have 5/20 and 13/20.

Step 2: Find the average (mean) of the two fractions. Add them together and divide the sum by 2.
(5/20 + 13/20) ÷ 2 = 18/20 ÷ 2 = 9/20

So, the number between 1/4 and 13/20 is 9/20.