which of the following is true regarding doing online search for information

It,s important to include references in your research paper because references

A. reduce the risk of a false conclusion
B.are required on most writing assingnments
C.prove that you didn't conduct your search on the internet
D. give credit to authors

I need a sanity check for the question below.

Search engines are most useful finding?
a. Scholarly Journald
b. book in a library
c. Course Information
d. Web sites

I am thinking Course Information-C

Your thoughts?

Is course information the correct answer for the search engine question?

When doing an online search for information, there are certain things that can be considered true:

1. Accuracy and credibility: It is important to prioritize reliable and trustworthy sources of information. Check for reputable websites, peer-reviewed articles, or official sources when possible. Look for information that is supported by evidence or data.

2. Diverse sources: To gain a comprehensive understanding of a topic, it is recommended to consult multiple sources. Different websites or perspectives can provide a broader view and help identify commonalities or conflicting information.

3. Use specific keywords: Constructing effective search queries is vital to finding relevant information online. Use specific keywords or phrases that closely match what you are looking for. Be cautious of broad or generic terms, as they may return too many results.

4. Evaluation of search results: Instead of relying solely on the first few search results, scan through multiple pages to gather a range of information. Take note of the search ranking, title, and description to determine relevance.

5. Fact-checking and critical thinking: Verify the information you find through multiple sources and assess its accuracy. Critical thinking skills are essential in evaluating the credibility and bias of the information presented.

6. Consider date and relevance: Be aware of the publication date of the sources you find. Depending on the topic, newer information may be more up-to-date and relevant. Look for the latest research, news articles, or scholarly papers when possible.

7. Privacy and security: Ensure that you are using a secure search engine and maintain your privacy online. Be cautious of sharing personal information and double-check website security protocols (e.g., HTTPS).

By following these guidelines, you can navigate online searches more effectively and improve the quality of the information you obtain.