Calculate the cost of operating a 65 W light bulb continuously for a 30-day month when electrical energy costs $0.23/kW·h.

$ 1
How do you calculate cost?
whats the equation?

cost= price/kw-hr*timeinHours*powerinKw


Alice: These problems are designed for you to invent an equation, think it out, and seek the relationships between time, power, money

To calculate the cost of operating a device, you need to know the power consumption of the device (in watts), the duration of usage (in hours), and the cost of electricity (in dollars per kilowatt-hour).

In this case, we have a 65 W light bulb used continuously for a 30-day month. To calculate the cost, you need to follow these steps:

1. Convert the power consumption of the bulb from watts to kilowatts by dividing it by 1000. In this case, 65 W ÷ 1000 = 0.065 kW.

2. Calculate the total energy consumption of the bulb by multiplying the power consumption (in kW) by the duration of usage (in hours). The bulb is used continuously for 30 days, which is equivalent to 30 days × 24 hours per day = 720 hours. So, total energy consumption is 0.065 kW × 720 hours = 46.8 kilowatt-hours (kWh).

3. Multiply the total energy consumption (in kWh) by the cost of electricity (in dollars per kilowatt-hour) to calculate the cost. In this case, the cost is $0.23/kWh. Thus, 46.8 kWh × $0.23/kWh = $10.764.

Therefore, the cost of operating a 65 W light bulb continuously for a 30-day month, assuming electricity costs $0.23/kWh, is $10.764.