WFE question

in chap 11 y do walter change his opinion of jacb? y this be important?

because he feel bad for him?

Walter changes partly because Jacob told him what to give his dog to make him well. Yes, it's important because now Jacob feels that his roommate is a friend.

thanks very much ms. sue :)

In order to answer your question about why Walter changes his opinion of Jacob in Chapter 11 and why this change is important, we need to understand the context and details of the story you are referring to. It would be helpful if you could provide more specific information about the book, movie, or any other source you are mentioning.

However, I can still explain how you can analyze the situation and understand the reasons behind Walter's change of opinion and its significance:

1. Analyzing the story: Read the chapters leading up to Chapter 11 thoroughly to identify any key events, interactions, or conflicts between Walter and Jacob. Look for any hints or clues that may explain Walter's change of heart.

2. Pay attention to character development: Consider the character traits and motivations of both Walter and Jacob. Analyze how they have been portrayed throughout the story and see if there have been any instances that might have influenced Walter to reconsider his initial opinion of Jacob.

3. Look for turning points: Identify any incidents or moments in Chapter 11 that lead to Walter's change in perspective. It could be a conversation, a realization, or a personal experience that alters Walter's perception of Jacob.

4. Consider the broader implications: Reflect on the significance of Walter's change of opinion in the overall narrative. Think about the themes, messages, or lessons the author may be conveying through this shift in perspectives. Does it reveal something about the complexity of human relationships or the potential for personal growth?

By engaging in these analytical steps, you can better understand why Walter changes his opinion of Jacob in Chapter 11 and why it holds importance within the story. Remember, the answers to such questions are subjective, and the true interpretation can only be derived from the specific source material.