which of the following is an accurate statement about the history of south Asia?

a) Buddhism was founded in India

b) when west Pakistan gained its independence it was renamed Bangladesh

c) invaders from the Indus valley conquered Afghanistan in about 2500bc

d) because of continued ethnic unrest the military ceased power in India in 1950

I think it is A, am I right?


To determine the accurate statement about the history of South Asia, we need to analyze each option and find the correct one.

a) Buddhism was founded in India: This statement is accurate. Siddhartha Gautama, also known as Buddha, founded Buddhism in India around the 5th century BCE.

b) When West Pakistan gained its independence, it was renamed Bangladesh: This statement is not accurate. When West Pakistan gained independence from British rule in 1947, it became a separate country called Pakistan. Bangladesh was initially East Pakistan and later gained independence from Pakistan in 1971.

c) Invaders from the Indus Valley conquered Afghanistan in about 2500 BCE: This statement is not accurate. The Indus Valley Civilization, which was present in the region comprising modern-day Pakistan and northwest India, did not conquer Afghanistan. The Indus Valley Civilization declined around 1900 BCE, and Afghanistan has had various historical influences from different groups.

d) Because of continued ethnic unrest, the military seized power in India in 1950: This statement is not accurate. India gained independence from British rule in 1947 and established a democratic system. The military did not seize power in India in 1950; instead, India has had a constitutional framework with elected governments since its independence.

Therefore, the accurate statement about the history of South Asia is a) Buddhism was founded in India.