For this question it asks, what types of material changes were made in building Greek temples and what effect this had on the architectural world.

In my book, It says how the earliest Greek temples were made of wood or brick, which later changed to marble and limestone. So i think that's the answer for the first part. For the second part, i cannot find out what effect the change had. Please help?

Wood is easily destroyed by the elements and fire. Marble and limestone last forever. Hence, we still have most of the Parthenon on the Athens Acropolis. The Theater at Epidaurus is also largely intact.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

the temple of erechtheum was made of limestone and marble, right?


To determine the effect of the material changes on Greek temples and their impact on the architectural world, you might need to conduct further research or analysis beyond what your book provides. Here are some steps to help you find more information:

1. Online research: Utilize search engines and scholarly databases to find reputable sources that discuss Greek temple architecture and the transition in materials. Look for articles, books, or research papers specifically focusing on this topic.

2. Historical context: Consider the historical context in which these changes took place. Explore the reasons why wood or brick temples were initially constructed and why there was a switch to marble and limestone. This may involve studying the socio-political, cultural, and economic factors that influenced architectural choices.

3. Architectural advancements: Analyze how the shift in materials impacted the design, construction techniques, and overall aesthetic of Greek temples. Look for specific examples and case studies that illustrate the architectural innovations or advancements resulting from the use of marble and limestone.

4. Comparative analysis: Compare and contrast the characteristics and qualities of wood or brick temples with those made of marble and limestone. Evaluate the advantages and limitations of each material in terms of durability, structural integrity, weather resistance, maintenance, and artistic expression.

5. Influence on later architecture: Investigate the influence of Greek temple architecture, particularly those made of marble and limestone, on subsequent architectural styles and periods. Examine whether these material changes were influential in shaping future architectural practices or contributed to the development of other architectural forms.

6. Artistic, cultural, and symbolic implications: Explore the aesthetic, cultural, and symbolic significance of the material changes in Greek temples. Consider how the choice of materials may have reflected societal values or religious beliefs, and how it affected the overall perception and reception of the temples.

By following these research steps, you should be able to gather enough information to fully answer the second part of your question regarding the impact of the material changes on the architectural world.