An artist draws a picture of a house with a rose bush in front. In his picture the rose bush is 1.5cm high and the house is 7.5cm high. In reality the rose bush is .75 metres high. How tall is the house (in metres)?

x = artist's scale

Convert meters to centimeters

In reality, rose bush = .75m * 100 cm/m = 750 cm

Solve for x
1.5x = 750
x = 750/1.5
x = 500 cm

IF artist's scale = 1 cm:500cm THEN
house = 7.5cm * 500 cm
= 3750 cm
= 3.75 m

Yeah that is right.

To find out how tall the house is in reality (in meters), we can use the artist's scale and the height of the rose bush in reality.

First, convert the height of the rose bush from meters to centimeters.

Height of rose bush in centimeters = 0.75 meters * 100 cm/m = 75 centimeters

Now, we solve for the artist's scale (x). Multiply the artist's scale by the height of the rose bush in the artist's drawing to find the height of the house in the drawing.

Artist's scale (x) = 75 cm / 1.5 cm = 50

If 1 cm in the artist's drawing corresponds to 50 cm in reality, we can now find the height of the house in the drawing.

Height of the house in the drawing = 7.5 cm * 50 = 375 cm = 3.75 meters

So, the height of the house in reality is 3.75 meters.