5. "Vamos al cine. Quieres ir con nosotros?" "No, gracias. No puedo ____ esta noche. Tengo que estudiar."

a. comer con Uds
b. ver un partido de beisbol
c. salir
d. repasar


Yes,that's correct. Salir means leave or go out.

It also means "to exit."


To answer this question correctly, you need to understand the context and the options provided. The first person suggests going to the movies and asks if the other person wants to go with them. The second person declines the invitation and gives a reason. They say, "No, gracias. No puedo ____ esta noche. Tengo que estudiar." This translates to "No, thank you. I can't ____ tonight. I have to study."

To determine the correct answer, let's look at the options:

a. comer con Uds - This option means "to eat with you all." It doesn't fit the context of the person needing to study.
b. ver un partido de beisbol - This option means "to watch a baseball game." Again, it doesn't fit the context of the person needing to study.
c. salir - This option means "to go out." It could be a possibility, but it doesn't specifically address studying.
d. repasar - This option means "to review." It fits perfectly with the context of the person needing to study.

Therefore, the correct answer is d. repasar.