In the book Shades of Gray by Carolyn Reeder what was Megs goals?

Please help me. Thanks

In the book "Shades of Gray" by Carolyn Reeder, the main character is named Will Page, not Meg. Will Page's goals in the story revolve around the challenges he faces during the Civil War. He initially enlists in the Confederate army with aspirations of fighting for his family's honor and his belief in Southern values. However, after witnessing the brutality of war and experiencing personal losses, Will's goals shift.

To better understand Will's goals and character development, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the book: To get a clear understanding of Will's goals, it's important to read the book "Shades of Gray" by Carolyn Reeder. Reading the source material will give you direct insights into the character's journey.

2. Identify key events: As you read the book, pay attention to the significant events that impact Will's goals. Take note of any conflict, decisions, or experiences that shape his motivations.

3. Analyze character development: Analyze how Will's goals evolve throughout the story. Consider how his experiences and interactions with other characters contribute to his transformation.

4. Track important relationships: Observe the relationships Will develops with other characters, such as his interactions with his cousin, Jed, or his encounters with former slaves. These relationships influence his goals and worldview.

5. Consider Will's internal struggles: Understand that Will faces internal conflicts as he wrestles with his beliefs, experiences, and personal growth. Reflect on how these struggles shape his goals and actions.

By following these steps and engaging with the story, you will gain a deeper understanding of Will Page's goals in "Shades of Gray" by Carolyn Reeder.