What is the BEST use of the word primly?

a. to bake primly
b. to maneuver primly
c. to smile primly

I wasn't sure on this one. I was mainly stuck between b and c. I ended up saying 'c.' Am I right?

I agree. C is the best choice.

The word "primly" refers to the manner in which someone does something, typically emphasizing proper behavior or tidiness. To determine the best use of the word "primly," we need to look at the options and consider their meanings.

a. "To bake primly" doesn't make much sense because baking is not usually associated with being prim or proper.

b. "To maneuver primly" suggests a deliberate and precise movement, which could be described as prim. This option could be a possibility.

c. "To smile primly" indicates a restrained or modest smile, which aligns closely with the concept of being prim. This is also a viable option.

Based on the meanings of the words and the context in which they are used, both options b and c could be considered plausible. Ultimately, it is subjective in determining the best use of the word "primly." So, your choice of answering 'c' (to smile primly) is a reasonable one.

Remember, when answering questions based on subjective interpretation or personal opinion, there may not be a definite right or wrong answer.