Derrick wants to job 1 mile in 6 minutes.So far,he had jogged 842 yards.How many more yards must he jog to reach 1 mile?



To find out how many more yards Derrick needs to jog to reach 1 mile, we can start by converting the distance he has jogged so far from yards to miles.

We know that 1 mile is equal to 1760 yards.

Derrick has jogged 842 yards, so to convert this to miles, we can divide that value by 1760.

842 yards / 1760 yards/mile = 0.478 miles

Now we need to find out how many more yards he needs to jog to reach 1 mile. We subtract the distance he has jogged (in yards) from the total distance of 1 mile (in yards).

1760 yards (1 mile) - 842 yards = 918 yards

Therefore, Derrick needs to jog 918 more yards to reach 1 mile.