Classify each number below as an integer or not.






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- 30.14





To classify each number as an integer or not, we need to understand the definition of an integer. An integer is a whole number (positive, negative, or zero) with no fractional or decimal parts.

1. 10: This number is a whole number with no decimal parts, so it is an integer.

2. -5: This number is also a whole number with no decimal parts, so it is an integer.

3. -16.42: This number has a decimal part, so it is not an integer. It is a decimal or a real number.

4. -5/6: This number is a fraction, but not a whole number. It has a fractional part, so it is not an integer. It is a rational number.

5. 27/7: Similar to the previous example, this number is a fraction with a fractional part. Thus, it is not an integer. It is also a rational number.

To classify a number, look for any fractional or decimal parts. If there are none, it is an integer. If there are decimal or fractional parts, it is not an integer.