17. Itis is the suffix that means swelling. What do you think tendonitis means? Would you expect tendonitis to be painful? Why?

My Answer - ??????????????

What does tendonitis means?
I'm having a but trouble in this question.
Please Help!

tendon + itis = swelling of the tendon

thanks BUT Would you expect tendonitis to be painful? Why?

well... umm...

ok here is my answer

I think tendonitis means swelling of the tendon. Tendon + itis = swelling of the tendon. I would expect tendonitis to be painful because of the meaning of the word.

is that good and correct????

Yes, it's good and correct.

And you're right -- tendonitis is painful.

Thank You! :)

You're welcome.

Tendonitis is a term used to describe the inflammation or irritation of a tendon. To break down the word, "tendon" refers to a strong band of tissue that connects muscles to bones, and "-itis" is a suffix meaning inflammation or swelling. Therefore, tendonitis literally means inflammation or swelling of a tendon.

As for whether tendonitis is painful, the answer is generally yes. Inflammation often leads to pain, redness, and swelling in the affected area. Tendonitis commonly causes pain, tenderness, and stiffness near the affected tendon. The severity of pain can vary depending on the individual and the specific circumstances causing the tendonitis.

If you encounter difficulty answering questions like this in the future, one helpful approach is to break down the word into its components and analyze their meanings. Understanding the root words, prefixes, and suffixes can provide valuable insights into the overall meaning of medical terms.