I need someone to check these questions. I know its a lot of questions.

2NH3 + Ag+ Ag(NH3)2+
a. What is the Lewis acid in this equation? [Ag+]
b. What is the Lewis base in this equation? [NH3]

Given H2SO4 is sulfuric acid, HNO3 is nitric acid, and H3PO4 is phosphoric acid, name the following:

a. HCl [Hydrochloric acid]
b. H2SO3 [Sulfurous acid]
c. HNO2 [Sulfurous acid]
d. H3PO2 [Hypophosphorous acid]
e. HNO4 [Pernitric acid]
f. H2SO5 [Persulfuric acid]
g. HI [Hydroiodic acid]

Write the formula for the conjugate base of each of the acids above.
[a. Cl- b. HSO3- c. NO2- d. H2PO2- e. NO4- f. NSO5-]

Describe each of the acids in question #1 as either strong or weak.
[Hydrochloric, Hyphosphorous, Pernitric, Persulphuric are all strong acids.]

Write the formula for tannic acid. [C76H52O46]

1c. I'm sure you meant to type in nitrous acid.

1e. Several sites listed this as peroxynitric acid, one listed the IUPAC name as hydroxynitrate, and one as pernitric acid. I think pernitric acid follows the "rules" you've been given.
1f. Several sites listed this as peroxysulfuric acid but I think persulfuric acid follows the "rules" better.
2f is a typo? HSO5^-

I wouldn't call H3PO2 a strong acid. The others you list are. In addition, HI is a srrong acid (stronger than HCl).

To check the answers to the given questions:

1. Lewis acid and Lewis base:
a. The Lewis acid in the equation 2NH3 + Ag+ → Ag(NH3)2+ is [Ag+].
b. The Lewis base in the equation is [NH3].

2. Naming acids:
a. HCl is named hydrochloric acid.
b. H2SO3 is named sulfurous acid.
c. HNO2 is named nitrous acid.
d. H3PO2 is named hypophosphorous acid.
e. HNO4 is named pernitric acid.
f. H2SO5 is named persulfuric acid.
g. HI is named hydroiodic acid.

3. Conjugate base formulas:
a. The formula for the conjugate base of HCl is [Cl-].
b. The formula for the conjugate base of H2SO3 is [HSO3-].
c. The formula for the conjugate base of HNO2 is [NO2-].
d. The formula for the conjugate base of H3PO2 is [H2PO2-].
e. The formula for the conjugate base of HNO4 is [NO4-].
f. The formula for the conjugate base of H2SO5 is [NSO5-].

4. Description of acids:
- Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid.
- Hyphosphorous acid is a weak acid.
- Pernitric acid is a strong acid.
- Persulphuric acid is a strong acid.

5. Formula for tannic acid:
The formula for tannic acid is C76H52O46.