Describe the human gait cycle. Explain the sinusoidal pattern experienced in normal gait.

Using the below data complete the table to determine stride length, stride rate and then calculate velocity.

SLOW: The subject took 33 steps of approximately 0.981 m in length. It took 18.4 seconds to complete the 30 m path.

MEDIUM: The subject took 24 steps of approximately 1.27 m in length. It took 10.6 seconds to complete the 30 m path.

FAST: The subject took 16 steps of approximately 1.84 m in length. It took 4.9 seconds to complete the 30 m path.

Speed Stride length (m) Stride rate (strides/s) Velocity (m.s-1)

The human gait cycle refers to the pattern of movements that occur during walking or running. It can be divided into two phases: the stance phase and the swing phase. During the stance phase, the foot is in contact with the ground, while in the swing phase, the foot is off the ground and moving forward.

Now, let's talk about the sinusoidal pattern in normal gait. When graphing the vertical displacement of the body's center of mass over time during walking, you would notice a repeating wave-like pattern. This pattern resembles a sinusoidal wave, hence the term "sinusoidal pattern" in normal gait.

The table provided can help us determine the stride length, stride rate, and velocity for different walking speeds. To calculate each value, we'll use the given data:

For the slow speed:
Stride length = average step length × number of steps
= 0.981 m × 33
= 32.373 m

Stride rate = number of steps / time taken
= 33 / 18.4 s
= 1.7967 strides/s

Velocity = stride length / time taken
= 32.373 m / 18.4 s
= 1.7591 m/s

For the medium speed:
Stride length = average step length × number of steps
= 1.27 m × 24
= 30.48 m

Stride rate = number of steps / time taken
= 24 / 10.6 s
= 2.2642 strides/s

Velocity = stride length / time taken
= 30.48 m / 10.6 s
= 2.878 m/s

For the fast speed:
Stride length = average step length × number of steps
= 1.84 m × 16
= 29.44 m

Stride rate = number of steps / time taken
= 16 / 4.9 s
= 3.2653 strides/s

Velocity = stride length / time taken
= 29.44 m / 4.9 s
= 6.0061 m/s

Now, let's complete the table:

Speed Stride length (m) Stride rate (strides/s) Velocity (m/s)
Slow 32.373 1.7967 1.7591
Medium 30.48 2.2642 2.878
Fast 29.44 3.2653 6.0061

So, the stride length, stride rate, and velocity for each walking speed have been determined using the provided data.