1. name the three fundamental particles present in an atom? mention the masses of the particles in M.K.S. system?

2.what is a proton? stste its relative mass and charge?

3.how many times a proton is heavier than an electron?

4.what important information are furnished about the nucleus of an atom by a a-particle scattering experiment of rutherford?
5.name the scientist who discovered the nucleus of an atom?give the components present in the nucleus.

6.describe the rutherfords nuclear model of an atom?

I shall be happy to help you understand what you don't understand but I'm not a fill in the blank resource.

this questions are related to class9 and the academic sessions hasn't started but since i'm n IIT student we have been given a lot of assignment for the holidays and the portion has to be done. so it would be alot of help if you help me.


name the scientist who discovered the nucleus of an atom

u r frm sharma iit acadamey uh i hav gt the same questions!!

sub atomic particle of an atom have +ve charge is called proton.

asi gaopigj

1. The three fundamental particles present in an atom are protons, neutrons, and electrons.

- Proton: It is a positively charged particle found in the nucleus of an atom. Its mass in the MKS system is approximately 1.673 x 10^-27 kilograms.
- Neutron: It is a neutral particle found in the nucleus of an atom. Its mass in the MKS system is approximately 1.675 x 10^-27 kilograms.
- Electron: It is a negatively charged particle that orbits around the nucleus. Its mass in the MKS system is much smaller than that of protons and neutrons and is approximately 9.109 x 10^-31 kilograms.

2. A proton is a subatomic particle found in the nucleus of an atom. It has a positive charge.

- Relative Mass: The relative mass of a proton is considered to be 1.
- Charge: The charge of a proton is +1.

3. A proton is approximately 1,836 times heavier than an electron.

4. In an alpha-particle scattering experiment conducted by Rutherford, important information was gathered about the nucleus of an atom.

- It was discovered that most of the mass and positive charge of an atom are concentrated in a tiny, dense region called the nucleus.
- It was also observed that the nucleus is positively charged, which was deduced from the deflection of positively charged alpha particles.

5. The scientist who discovered the nucleus of an atom is Ernest Rutherford.

- The components present in the nucleus are protons and neutrons.

6. Rutherford's nuclear model of an atom proposed that:

- Most of the mass of an atom and its positive charge are concentrated in a small, dense region called the nucleus.
- Electrons orbit around the nucleus in defined energy levels or shells.
- The atom is mostly empty space, with electrons occupying the space around the nucleus.
- The nucleus is positively charged, and electrons are negatively charged, creating an overall neutral atom.