what does A los niños les gusta _____ con muchos colores mean?

I don't get the question doesnt make sense It it saying The children likes the______with many colors

One possibility is "vestir"

A los niños les gusta vestir con muchos colores. (In this case with a verb)
The children likes to dress with many colors.
There is a little diference, by example:
A los niños les gustan los lápices de muchos colores (in this case you use an object)

The phrase "A los niños les gusta _____ con muchos colores" is a sentence in Spanish. To understand the meaning of the sentence, we need to fill in the blank with an appropriate verb.

In this case, the verb "_____ con muchos colores" would be translated as "to color with many colors" in English. So, the complete sentence "A los niños les gusta _____ con muchos colores" means "Children like to color with many colors."

To determine the word that should go in the blank, we can look for context clues. However, since there are no context clues given, we can't be certain of the specific word that should be used. Some possible words that could be inserted in the blank are "pintar" (to paint) or "colorear" (to color).

To confirm the correct verb, it would be best to consult with a Spanish speaker or further context from the source of the sentence.