What is another name for Gherardo Starnina?

.Master of Bambino Vespo .Gentile da Fabriano
.Duccio Buoninsegna
.Giotto Bondone

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Please post what you think.

im not at all sure about this one.

Gherardo Starnina is an Italian painter from the 14th century. His work is known for its delicate and refined style. If you are looking for another name for Gherardo Starnina, one possibility could be the "Master of Bambino Vispo."

To find more alternate names for Gherardo Starnina, you can try conducting a search using art history databases, books on Italian Renaissance art, or online art encyclopedias. These sources often provide comprehensive information about artists, including alternate names or aliases they might have used throughout their careers. Additionally, studying the works of other artists who were active during the same period and had a similar artistic style might also lead you to find other names associated with Gherardo Starnina.