im not really understanding the question can someone please help me.

the energy difference between states A and B is twice the energy difference between states B and C (C > B > A). In a transition (quantum jump) from C to B, an electron emits a photon of wavelength 400 nm.

(a) What is the wavelength emitted when the photon jumps from B to A?

(b) What is the wavelength emitted when it jumps from C to A?


↓ λ(CB)


(a) ε(BA) = 2• ε(CB) =>
h•c/ λ(BA) =2• h•c/ λ(CB),
=> λ(BA) = λ(CB)/2 = 400/2 =200 nm.
(b) ε(CA) = ε(CB) + ε(BA) = ε(CB) + 2• ε(CB) = 3• ε(CB),
ε(CA) = 3• ε(CB), =>
λ(cA) = λ(CB)/3 = 400/3 =133.3 nm.

To answer these questions, we need to understand the relationship between energy and wavelength in quantum mechanics. According to the equation E = hc/λ, where E is the energy, h is Planck's constant, c is the speed of light, and λ is the wavelength of the photon.

In this problem, we are given that the energy difference between states A and B is twice the energy difference between states B and C. Let's denote the energy difference between states B and C as ΔE1, and the energy difference between states A and B as ΔE2.

Given that ΔE2 = 2ΔE1, we can say that:

ΔE2 = E2 - E1
ΔE1 = E1 - EC

Now, we are also given that in the transition from C to B, an electron emits a photon of wavelength 400 nm. Using the energy-wavelength relationship mentioned earlier, we can write the following equation:

ΔE1 = hc/λ1

(a) To find the wavelength emitted when the photon jumps from B to A, we need to find ΔE2 and then determine the corresponding wavelength. Since ΔE2 = 2ΔE1, we can write:

ΔE2 = 2 * ΔE1 = 2 * (hc/λ1)

Now, we can rearrange the equation to solve for λ2:

λ2 = hc / ΔE2

Substituting the value of ΔE2, we get:

λ2 = hc / (2 * (hc/λ1))
λ2 = λ1 / 2

Therefore, the wavelength emitted when the photon jumps from B to A is half the wavelength emitted when it jumps from C to B. So, λ2 = 400 nm / 2 = 200 nm.

(b) To find the wavelength emitted when the photon jumps from C to A, we need to calculate ΔE3, the energy difference between states A and C. We can write:

ΔE3 = ΔE2 + ΔE1
ΔE3 = E3 - EC

We can substitute ΔE2 and ΔE1 to get:

ΔE3 = 2ΔE1 + ΔE1 = 3ΔE1

Now, similar to the previous step, we can use the energy-wavelength relationship to find the corresponding wavelength:

λ3 = hc / ΔE3

Substituting the value of ΔE3, we get:

λ3 = hc / (3 * (hc/λ1))
λ3 = λ1 / 3

Therefore, the wavelength emitted when the photon jumps from C to A is one-third the wavelength emitted when it jumps from C to B. So, λ3 = 400 nm / 3 ≈ 133.33 nm.

In summary:
(a) The wavelength emitted when the photon jumps from B to A is approximately 200 nm.
(b) The wavelength emitted when the photon jumps from C to A is approximately 133.33 nm.