Wich number comes betwen these numbers?51.69_,52.00

What are your choices?

51.70, 51.72, 51.8, 51.85, 51.9, 51.93, etc.

To find the number that comes between 51.69 and 52.00, we can look at the digits after the decimal point.

In this case, the decimal part of 51.69 is 0.69. To determine the number that comes next, we need to look at the next digit after 0.69.

Since the next decimal digit is not specified, we have multiple possibilities. If we assume the digit after 0.69 is 0, then the number that comes between 51.69 and 52.00 is 51.690. If we assume the digit after 0.69 is 1, then the number is 51.691, and so on. Each subsequent number would depend on the precise value of the digit after 0.69.

Therefore, without further information about the exact digit that comes after 0.69, we cannot determine the specific number that comes between 51.69 and 52.00.