which of the following sentences uses passive appropriately

To determine which of the following sentences uses passive voice appropriately, we need to understand the passive voice and its correct usage.

Passive voice is a grammatical construction in which the subject of a sentence is acted upon by the verb, rather than the subject performing the action. It places emphasis on the recipient of the action rather than the doer. In passive voice, the object of the active verb becomes the subject of the passive verb.

Now, let's look at the sentences in question to identify the appropriate use of passive voice:

1. The cake was baked by Lisa.

This sentence uses passive voice correctly because the subject of the sentence (the cake) is being acted upon (baked) by the verb. Lisa, who performs the action, is mentioned after the verb using the preposition "by."

2. The dog chased the ball.

This sentence uses active voice because the subject (the dog) is performing the action (chased) on the object (the ball).

To summarize, the sentence that uses passive voice appropriately is: "The cake was baked by Lisa."