A car used 3.5 gallons to make a 110 mile trip. How many gallons of gas would it take the same car to make a 360 mile trip

use simple ratio

x/360 = 3.5/110
x = 3.5(360)/110 = ....


To find out how many gallons of gas it would take for the car to make a 360 mile trip, we can use the concept of proportionality.

Let's set up a proportion using the given information:

Gallons / Mile = Total Gallons / Total Miles

Using this proportion, we can solve for the unknown variable, which is the total number of gallons needed for the 360 mile trip.

Let's substitute the known values:

3.5 gallons / 110 miles = Total gallons / 360 miles

Cross multiplying gives us:

3.5 gallons * 360 miles = Total gallons * 110 miles

Simplifying this equation gives us:

1260 gallons* miles = Total gallons * 110 miles

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 110 miles:

1260 gallons * miles / 110 miles = Total gallons

This simplifies to:

11.45 gallons = Total gallons

Therefore, it would take approximately 11.45 gallons of gas for the same car to make a 360 mile trip.