Balance the following equation in acidic conditions.

S2O3^2- +Cu ^2+ > S4O6^2- +Cu^+

2S2O3^2- +2Cu ^2+ > S4O6^2- + 2Cu^+

Oxidation-Reduction Balancing

Acidic Solution

Cr2O7 + C2H4O -> C2H4O2 + Cr3+

To balance the given chemical equation in acidic conditions, we need to follow some steps:

Step 1: Count the number of atoms of each element on both sides of the equation.

On the left side:
Sulfur (S): 2
Oxygen (O): 9
Copper (Cu): 1

On the right side:
Sulfur (S): 5
Oxygen (O): 12
Copper (Cu): 2

Step 2: Balance the atoms that are not in balance starting with those that appear in the least number.

Let's balance the sulfur atoms first:
S2O3^2- +Cu^2+ > 2S4O6^2- +Cu^+

Now, the sulfur atoms are balanced.

Step 3: Balance the oxygen atoms using water (H2O).

On the left side:
Oxygen (O): 9

On the right side:
Oxygen (O): 24

We need to add 15 H2O molecules to the left side to balance the oxygen atoms:

S2O3^2- +Cu^2+ + 15H2O > 2S4O6^2- +Cu^+

Step 4: Balance the hydrogen atoms using H+ ions.

On the left side:
Hydrogen (H): 30

On the right side:
Hydrogen (H): 30

The hydrogen atoms are already balanced.

Step 5: Finally, balance the charge by adding electrons (e-) to one side of the equation.

On the left side, the total charge is 4- (for each S2O3^2- ion):
So, we need 4 electrons on the left side:

S2O3^2- +Cu^2+ + 15H2O + 4e- > 2S4O6^2- +Cu^+

The balanced chemical equation under acidic conditions is:

S2O3^2- +Cu^2+ + 15H2O + 4e- > 2S4O6^2- +Cu^+

To check the balance, count the atoms of each element and the charges on both sides of the equation.