5/22 - 1 /41 then reduce

you have to get a common denominator to add or subtract fractions


205/902 - 22/902 = 183/902

902 is the common denominator not 22

this is how i got it

there is no number that goes evenly into 22 and 41( without a decimal being left) so i multiply (5/22) by (41/41) and (1/41) by (22/22)

To solve the expression (5/22) - (1/41) and reduce it to its simplest form, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Find a common denominator for the fractions. The denominators in this case are 22 and 41. The least common multiple (LCM) of 22 and 41 is 902, so we'll use that.

Step 2: Rewrite both fractions with the common denominator of 902.
(5/22) = (5/22) * (41/41) = 205/902
(1/41) = (1/41) * (22/22) = 22/902

Step 3: Subtract the fractions: (205/902) - (22/902) = (205 - 22) / 902 = 183/902

Step 4: Reduce the fraction to its simplest form. You can divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD) until there are no common factors left.
The GCD of 183 and 902 is 1, so we can't simplify it further.

Therefore, the result of (5/22) - (1/41), reduced to simplest form, is 183/902.