Prove the identit: cosxcotx+sinx=cscx

1) rewrite cosx (cosx/sinx) + sinx = csc x

2) cosx^2/sinx + sinx = csc x

3) multiply sinx by (sinx/sinx) to get same denominator

this gives you cosx^2/sinx + sinx^2/sinx = cscx

4) combine your fractions

(cosx^2 + sinx^2)/sinx = cscx

5) rewrite numerator

1/sinx= csc x

and there you go it is proven (you have to know your trig identity to do this so look them up if you don't know them)

Thank You! :D

no problem lol this one almost had me stump for alittle

Ohh it was hard me :/ .Do you think you can answer my other questions?

To prove the identity cos(x)cot(x) + sin(x) = csc(x), we need to start with one side of the equation and manipulate it until we arrive at the other side. Let's start with the left side of the equation, cos(x)cot(x) + sin(x).

To simplify the equation, we need to express both cos(x) and cot(x) in terms of sin(x) and cos(x).

Recall that cot(x) is the reciprocal of tan(x), which is sin(x)/cos(x). Therefore, cot(x) = cos(x)/sin(x).

Substituting cot(x) = cos(x)/sin(x), we get:

cos(x) * (cos(x)/sin(x)) + sin(x)

Next, we can simplify this expression by multiplying cos(x) by cos(x)/sin(x):

(cos^2(x))/sin(x) + sin(x)

To combine the terms, we need to find a common denominator. The common denominator here is sin(x), so we can rewrite (cos^2(x))/sin(x) as cos^2(x)/sin(x) * sin(x)/sin(x):

(cos^2(x) + sin^2(x))/sin(x)

Using the Pythagorean identity cos^2(x) + sin^2(x) = 1, we can further simplify the expression:


Finally, since csc(x) is the reciprocal of sin(x), we can rewrite 1/sin(x) as csc(x):


Therefore, both sides of the equation are the same, and we have proved the identity cos(x)cot(x) + sin(x) = csc(x).