a 6 foot tall man is standing near a tree on level ground .if the man shadow 4 feet long .how many feet tall is the tree?

4 divided by 6 = 1.5

1.5 times 18 = 27

the answer is : 27

"near" doesn't mean anything.

If the man is 100 ft from the tree, a 4-ft shadow means the tree is enormous.

If the man is 2 ft from the tree, the tree is short.

To determine the height of the tree, we can use similar triangles and set up a proportion:

Let's call the height of the tree "x".

The height of the man is 6 feet, and his shadow is 4 feet. Since the man's height is the same as the length of his shadow, we can set up the following proportion:

(man's height) / (man's shadow length) = (tree's height) / (tree's shadow length)

Plugging in the values we know:

6 feet / 4 feet = x / tree's shadow length

Now we can solve for x, the height of the tree:

6/4 = x / tree's shadow length

Cross multiplying:

6 * tree's shadow length = 4 * x


6 * tree's shadow length = 4x

Dividing both sides by 4:

(tree's shadow length) = (4x) / 6

Simplifying further:

tree's shadow length = (2x) / 3

Since the tree's shadow length is not given in the question, we cannot determine the exact height of the tree.

To determine the height of the tree, you can use the concept of similar triangles. Here's how:

1. First, identify the two triangles involved: the triangle formed by the man, his shadow, and the ground (let's call it triangle A), and the triangle formed by the tree, its shadow, and the ground (triangle B).

2. The height of the man is given as 6 feet, and the length of his shadow is 4 feet. So, the ratio of the height of the man to the length of his shadow is 6:4.

3. Since triangle A is similar to triangle B (they have the same shape but different sizes), the ratio of corresponding sides in both triangles would be the same.

4. To find the height of the tree, we need to determine the length of its shadow. Since the ratio of the man's height to his shadow is 6:4, we can set up the following proportion: 6/4 = x/length of tree's shadow.

5. Rearranging the proportion, we get x = (6/4) * length of tree's shadow.

6. Plug in the given length of the man's shadow (4 feet) into the equation: x = (6/4) * 4. Simplify the equation: x = 6 feet.

Therefore, the tree is 6 feet tall.