The length of a triangle is twice the width. The area is 2yd^2.

Please, find length and width and simplify. Should I convert the yards?


I guess yd is yd^2, square yards, and one of your unknowns is the base and one is the altitude. Otherwise I do not know how to proceed. Length and width of a triangle does not mean anything.

if my guess is correct then
(1/2) b h = 2
b h = 4
but h = 2 b
2 b^2 = 4
b = sqrt 2
h = 2 sqrt 2

I'm searching for the length and the width. I guess I will figure it out, but thank you.

To find the length and width of the triangle, we can set up equations based on the given information:

Let's assume that the width of the triangle is represented by 'w' (in yards).

We know that the length of the triangle is twice the width, so the length can be represented by '2w' (in yards).

The formula for the area of a triangle is given by: Area = (1/2) * base * height.

Since we have the area (2yd^2) and the height (w), we can substitute these values into the formula to solve for the base (2w):

2yd^2 = (1/2) * (2w) * w

Simplifying the equation:

2yd^2 = w^2

Now, let's solve for 'w'. Taking the square root of both sides of the equation, we have:

√(2yd^2) = √(w^2)

√(2)*√(yd^2) = √(w^2)

√2*yd = w

So, the width of the triangle is √2*yd (approximately 1.41*yd) and the length is 2 times the width, which makes it 2√2*yd (approximately 2.83*yd).

Therefore, the simplified length and width of the triangle are: width = √2*yd and length = 2√2*yd.

Since the area is given in square yards, there is no need to convert anything.