5x^(2)u^(6) & 20xu^(3)y^(7)

It looks like you've provided two expressions: 5x^(2)u^(6) and 20xu^(3)y^(7). Are you looking to combine these expressions or perform any specific operations?

To combine these expressions, we need to look for terms with the same variables raised to the same powers. Let's break down each expression separately:

1. 5x^(2)u^(6):
- This expression has two variables, x and u, raised to different powers: x is raised to the power of 2, and u is raised to the power of 6.
- There is no other term in this expression that has the same variables raised to the same powers, so we cannot combine it with other terms.

2. 20xu^(3)y^(7):
- This expression has three variables: x, u, and y. The powers of these variables are as follows: x^(1), u^(3), and y^(7).
- Similarly, there is no other term in this expression with the same variables raised to the same powers, so we cannot combine it either.

Therefore, these two expressions cannot be combined since there are no terms with the same variables raised to the same powers in both expressions.