Completa la oracion usando las palabras este,ese,aquella oaquellos.)

(Hint:Complete the sentence using este, ese,aquella,o aquellos)

1. Mira el caballo que esta delante de mi.Mira( ....) caballo. answer:( ese)

2 ¿Ves la llama que está lejos de nosotros? ¿ Ves(.....) answer (aquella)

3.¿Te gusta (......) answer(ese) cerdo más que(.....)answer(este) cerdo?

4.¿Ven los toros que andan por allá?¿Ven (......) toros? answer (aquellos)

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You were simply to complete and not answer a question? In that case, it looks right.

este, esta, estos, estas = this/these near you

ese, esa, esos, esas = that/those not too far from you

aquel, aquella, aquellos, aquellos - that/those far from you (out of reach)

These are the demonstrative adjectives to use with a noun of the same gender (masculine/feminine) and number (singular/plural).

When you meet the pronouns, they will have accent marks and the noun will not be stated.


1. Mira el caballo que está delante de mí. Mira ese caballo.

To determine which word to use, we need to identify the distance from the speaker. In this case, the caballo is located in front of me, which indicates a short distance. Therefore, we use the word "ese."

2. ¿Ves la llama que está lejos de nosotros? ¿Ves aquella llama?
To determine which word to use, we need to identify the distance from the speaker. In this case, the llama is located far from us, indicating a long distance. Therefore, we use the word "aquella."

3. ¿Te gusta ese cerdo más que este cerdo?
To determine which word to use, we need to distinguish between two objects. In this case, we are comparing two pigs, one closer to the speaker and one closer to the listener. Therefore, we use "ese" to refer to the pig closer to the listener and "este" to refer to the pig closer to the speaker.

4. ¿Ven los toros que andan por allá? ¿Ven aquellos toros?
To determine which word to use, we need to identify the location of the toros. In this case, the toros are located far away, indicating a long distance. Therefore, we use the word "aquellos" to refer to the toros.