If the protection itself were the sole basis for a society's morality, which of the following laws would that society want passed?

If the protection itself were the sole basis for a society's morality, which of the following laws would that society want passed?

A.required wearing of seat belts
B.required full-coverage auto
C.required voting in national elections
D.illegality of suicide

I'll be glad to check your answer.

Is the answer C?

If the protection of individuals is the sole basis for a society's morality, then the society would prioritize laws that ensure the safety and well-being of its members. Let's analyze each option to determine which laws would align with this principle:

A. Required wearing of seat belts: This law promotes individual safety by reducing the risk of injuries and fatalities in the event of a car accident. By making it mandatory for all occupants of a vehicle to wear seat belts, the society is protecting its citizens and minimizing harm.

B. Required full-coverage auto insurance: This law ensures that all drivers are financially responsible for any damages or injuries they might cause in an accident. By requiring full-coverage auto insurance, society is safeguarding both the victim and the responsible party.

C. Required voting in national elections: This option might seem unrelated to protection, but it can be argued that participating in national elections helps protect and uphold democratic values. By making it mandatory to vote, the society ensures that individuals have a say in shaping their government and protecting their own interests.

D. Illegality of suicide: This law aims to protect individuals from harm and preserve their lives. By making suicide illegal, society attempts to provide support and help for those struggling with mental health issues, reducing the number of self-inflicted deaths.

Ultimately, all of the options (A, B, C, and D) can be considered laws that prioritize protection in a society where protection is the sole basis for morality. However, the importance and specific implications of each law can vary based on cultural, philosophical, and ethical considerations.