how do you evaluate this expression 14.6+[(42-21.4)*35]


14.6 + (20.6 * 35)

14.6 + 721 = ______

14.6 + 20.6 * 35

14.6 + 721


To evaluate the expression 14.6 + [(42 - 21.4) * 35], you can follow the order of operations, which is also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction). Here's the step-by-step process:

1. Start by solving the expression inside the parentheses: (42 - 21.4) equals 20.6.
Therefore, the expression becomes: 14.6 + [20.6 * 35].

2. Next, perform the multiplication: 20.6 * 35 equals 721.
Therefore, the expression becomes: 14.6 + 721.

3. Finally, add the two numbers: 14.6 + 721 equals 735.6.

So, the value of the given expression 14.6 + [(42 - 21.4) * 35] is 735.6.