What is 3 radical 250 expressed in simplest radical form ?

To express 3 radical 250 in its simplest radical form, we need to simplify the expression by factoring out perfect square factors.

First, let's find the prime factorization of 250:
250 = 2 * 125
= 2 * 5^3

Now, we can rewrite 3 radical 250 as:
3 * radical (2 * 5^3)

Next, let's look for perfect square factors in the radical expression. In this case, 5^3 is not a perfect square, but 2 is.

We can rewrite the radical expression as the product of two radicals:
3 * radical (2) * radical (5^3)

Radical (2) cannot be simplified any further, as 2 is already a prime number. However, for radical (5^3), we can simplify it by taking out one factor of 5 from the radical:
3 * radical (2) * 5 * radical (5)

Finally, putting it all together, we get:
15 * radical (2) * radical (5)

Therefore, 3 radical 250 in its simplest radical form is 15 radical (2) radical (5).

3√250 = 3√25√10 = 3*5√10 = 15√10