i need help with this problem.an airplane over the pacific sights an atoll at an 8 angle of depression. if the plane is 520 m above water, how many kilometers is it from a point 520 m directly above the center of the atoll?

Did you make a sketch??

I have a right-angled triangle with a angle of 8°, the adjacent side as x , and the opposite as 520 m
520/x = tan 8°
x = 520/tan 8 = 3699.99
I guess we can say 3700 m or 37 km

(I also think we have to ignore the curvature of the earth)

To solve this problem, we can use trigonometry and the concept of an angle of depression.

First, let's draw a diagram to visualize the situation:

/ |
/ |
/ 520m
/ |
/ |
/ |
/ |
/ |
/θ |

In this diagram, the theta(θ) represents the angle of depression and the line at the top represents the plane's altitude of 520 m.

Now, let's break down the problem into two right triangles:

Triangle 1:
- The vertical side is 520 m.
- The horizontal side is the distance we need to find (let's call it "x" km).
- The angle opposite the vertical side is 90 degrees.
- The angle between the horizontal side and the hypotenuse (the line connecting the plane's position and a point directly above the atoll) is also 90 degrees.

Triangle 2:
- The vertical side is the same as in Triangle 1, which is 520 m.
- The horizontal side is the same as the distance we need to find in Triangle 1, which is "x" km.
- The angle opposite the vertical side is 8 degrees.
- The angle between the horizontal side and the hypotenuse is also 90 degrees.

Using the tangent function, we can relate the angle of depression to the distance and height:

tan(θ) = opposite / adjacent

For Triangle 2:

tan(8 degrees) = 520 m / x km

To find x, we can rearrange the equation:

x km = 520 m / tan(8 degrees)

Now, we need to convert the distance from meters to kilometers:

x km = (520 m / tan(8 degrees)) / 1000

Now, let's calculate the value of x:

x km = (520 / tan(8 degrees)) / 1000
≈ 375.67 km

Therefore, the distance from the point directly above the center of the atoll is approximately 375.67 km.