According to the condensation theory, the most important factor for the formation of our planets was _____.


thats wrong

To answer the question based on the condensation theory, we need to understand what the theory proposes. The condensation theory suggests that the planets in our solar system formed from a rotating disk of gas and dust called the solar nebula. As the cloud of gas and dust cooled down, solid particles began to condense and collide, eventually forming protoplanets, which later became the planets we know today.

The most important factor for the formation of our planets, according to the condensation theory, is the process of condensation itself. As the solar nebula cooled, the gas and dust particles started to come together, sticking to each other and gradually growing in size. Over time, these growing clusters of particles formed planetesimals, which were the building blocks of planets. Through continued collisions and gravitational interactions, these planetesimals eventually accreted enough material to become full-fledged planets.

Therefore, the key factor in the condensation theory is the process of condensation, where solid particles stick together and grow, leading to the formation of planets.