choose the correct answer

Uno de los artesanos me (dio, di) una pequana figura de barro answer di

To choose the correct answer between "dio" and "di" in the sentence "Uno de los artesanos me (dio, di) una pequeña figura de barro," we need to understand the grammar rules and conjugation of the verb "dar" (to give) in Spanish.

In this sentence, we are talking about a past event, so we need to use the past tense of the verb "dar." The past tense form of "dar" in the third person singular (he/she/it gave) is "dio."

Therefore, the correct answer is "dio."

To arrive at this conclusion, it is important to have a good understanding of Spanish grammar and verb conjugation rules, particularly for irregular verbs like "dar." Additionally, using a Spanish verb conjugation resource or a reliable Spanish grammar book can help verify the correct answer.

The correct answer is "di".