delta Go = -431.16kJ/mol - (298k X 0.12529 kJ/K*mol)

I am having trouble converting the units for delta H and delta s to match. I multiplied delta H by 1000 to get kJ but this didn't give me the correct answer.

If your answer is in J then multiply -431.16 by thousand and you delta S .12529. Make sure all your unit are in J/mol K and Temperature in K.

-468496.42 J

delta H is usually listed in kJ/mol and S in units of J/mol. Most of the time I want to use dG I must convert it to J so I usually convert delta H to J (1000 x delta H in kJ/mol = delta H in J/mol) and that will match S in J/mol. That will give you dG in J/mol.

I did

-431.16kJ/mol X 1000 = -431160

Then -431160 - (298 X 0.12529 kJ/K*mol) = -431197.33 for delta G but this answer was said to be incorrect, I do not know why??

To convert units, it's important to understand the relationship between the units being converted. In this case, you are trying to convert kJ/mol to J/mol. There is a conversion factor of 1 kJ = 1000 J, meaning that 1 kJ is equivalent to 1000 J.

To convert -431.16 kJ/mol to J/mol, you need to multiply it by the conversion factor of 1000:

-431.16 kJ/mol * 1000 J/kJ = -431160 J/mol

So, the conversion from kJ/mol to J/mol gives you -431160 J/mol.

Similarly, to convert 298 K from kelvin to degree Celsius, you need to subtract 273.15 from it. This conversion will give you the temperature in degrees Celsius.