What is the remainder when 3a^2+6a+20 is divided by a-2.

Answer is 44. But I don't know how it comes. Please help.

To find the remainder when dividing a polynomial by another, we can use the polynomial long division method. Here's how you can find the remainder when dividing 3a^2 + 6a + 20 by a - 2:

Step 1: Set up the division:
Write the dividend (3a^2 + 6a + 20) and the divisor (a - 2) in long division format:

a - 2 | 3a^2 + 6a + 20

Step 2: Divide the first term:
Divide the first term of the dividend (3a^2) by the first term of the divisor (a). The quotient is 3a.

a - 2 | 3a^2 + 6a + 20

Step 3: Multiply and subtract:
Multiply the quotient (3a) by the divisor (a - 2), and subtract the result from the dividend:

a - 2 | 3a^2 + 6a + 20
-(3a^2 - 6a)
+ 12a + 20

Step 4: Repeat the process:
Bring down the next term (-12a) and repeat the division process:

3a + 12
a - 2 | 3a^2 + 6a + 20
-(3a^2 - 6a)
12a + 20
-(12a - 24)
+ 44

Step 5: Interpret the result:
After completing all the divisions, we have a remainder of +44. Therefore, the remainder when dividing 3a^2 + 6a + 20 by a - 2 is 44.

So the answer is indeed 44.