A student at St. F. X. decided to become his own employer by using his car as a taxi for the summer. It costs the student $693.00 to insure his car for the 4 months of summer. He spends $452.00 per month on gas. If he lives at home and has no other expenses for the 4 months of summer and charges an average of $7.00 per fare, how many fares will he have to get to be able to pay his tuition of $3280.00?

$3280.00 + ($452)4 + $693.00 = $5781.00

$5781.00/$7.00 = 825.85
I rounded my answer to 826.
Is this correct?


Your calculations are correct. To calculate the number of fares the student will need to pay his tuition, you added up all his expenses for the summer (insurance, gas, and tuition) which equaled $5781.00. Then, you divided this total by the fare price of $7.00, which gives you 825.857, rounded to 826 fares. Therefore, the student will need to get 826 fares to be able to pay his tuition.

To solve this problem, you correctly calculated the total cost for the student's summer expenses, which is $5781.00 ($3280.00 + ($452)4 + $693.00).

Now, to determine the number of fares he needs to cover his tuition, you divide the total cost by the fare price of $7.00.

Therefore, $5781.00 / $7.00 = 826.14.

You rounded your answer to 826, which is close but not entirely accurate. It's important to remember that rounding can introduce a small error. In this case, the correct answer would be 827 fares to cover the student's tuition.